Configuring Redirect Reasons

You can manipulate call redirect (diversion) reasons between IP (SIP) and Tel (ISDN). The SIP Diversion header contains the information on the redirection of the call, including the reason (e.g., 'reason=user-busy'). The ISDN provides the Redirect Number and the Reason for Redirection. You can configure the following redirect manipulations:

Redirect Number screening indicator (e.g., User Failed) in ISDN Setup messages for IP-to-Tel calls. Configuration is done using the [SetIp2TelRedirectScreeningInd] parameter.
IP-to-Tel redirect reason for IP-to-Tel calls in the ISDN message if redirect information is received from the IP side. Configuration is done using the [SetIp2TelRedirectReason] parameter.
Tel-to-IP redirect reason in SIP messages for Tel-to-IP calls if redirect information is received from the Tel side. Configuration is done using the [SetTel2IpRedirectReason] parameter.
To configure redirect reason manipulation:
1. Open the Manipulations Settings page (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > Gateway folder > Manipulation > Manipulations Settings).

2. Configure the parameters as required, and then click Apply.